This is a special English blog for my postcrossing account. Personal information is in my Russian blog on livejournal. My account there is called Sunny-tima.

понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.

New Flat

I've recently moved and consequently changed my address in postcrossing for the second time. Now my husband and I rent flat in the center of Saratov. It's more convenient than to live in the suburbs of the satellite town (Engels-8, to say exactly). There are a lot of things that I do love here - walking all day, 10-minutes walk from work, visiting friends, cable TV and fast Internet. Besides I like the speed of the post. It's really much more quick! I suppose Russian post is one of the slowest in the world but here it's almost OK. My cards reach their destination in 2 weeks. And I get cards in the same period. So here are two cards I've received in my new flat.
The first one from Germany . Amazing card with wonderful message from the Weber family.

The second one from Finland . It's one of my best loved cards. I adore Disney card!!! So cute, so sweet, so girlish!