On Friday I got 5 nice and a bit unexpected cards. It's so nice to get surprises. Actually my memory isn't good when it concerns cards or small things like that. I can easily forget if I've sent a card or not, where I took part in the lottery. So I was a small shock for me to gat a card from Chelyabinsk from LJ user Inffi. It turned out that I signed in her post to gat an old card :) Have a look! It's very nice. And reminds Saratov a lot. We have a square like that too: with Lenin and local government.
Another nice card that I've got is from Wemmie - my penpal with whome I exchange cards. It's an amazing reprint of an old photo taken in 1935. I love the boarders of the card because they remind me of the greatgrandma photos.
And I've got 3 official cards. Some words about each of them:
1.A Hot Postcard From Texas. It's cold and snowy in Saratov. And Belinda and her card remind me about summer and hot days. I want it so much to come sooner. In such moments I want to live in the place where the card is from ;)
3. Winnie-the-Pooh card from Serbia!!! I love cartoons!!! I love Disney cartoons! And I'm a fan of children book characters. I wasn't read Winnie-the-Pooh in childhood (alhough love cartoons greatly), so I read it only 3 years ago. It's one of my favourite fairy tales. Жанна, спасибо большое за такую потрясающую открытку!!! RS-8110
Another nice card that I've got is from Wemmie - my penpal with whome I exchange cards. It's an amazing reprint of an old photo taken in 1935. I love the boarders of the card because they remind me of the greatgrandma photos.
And I've got 3 official cards. Some words about each of them:
1.A Hot Postcard From Texas. It's cold and snowy in Saratov. And Belinda and her card remind me about summer and hot days. I want it so much to come sooner. In such moments I want to live in the place where the card is from ;)
2. A Squirrel from Finland. Susanna, thank you very much! It's a nice addition to my collection. If you don't know, my husband calls me Belka (Squirrel in Russian). And I collect squirrels. I'm not crazy about it: I have 6 toys, some small souvenirs, a pendant which I never take off and now 17 card with squirrels!!! FI-994947
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